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Che Addison


Born in USA, 1984

2016 BFA  Mercy College, Computer Arts and Design

2013 AAS  TCI College, Digital Media Art



A New York City native and a latecomer to the Digital Media Industry, I’ve always had a passion for the arts, culture, and video games. I am known to be a hardcore gamer, skateboarder, artist and a pretty awesome dancer. 



I found myself pursuing a dance career in Japan right out of high school. My travels exposed me to new cultures, gave me valuable life lessons and introduced me to the career path that I am following today. Realizing in my mid-20s that age is definitely not just a number in the Dance industry, I returned to school for formal training in the media arts once the travel bug was out of my system.  In recent years, I have been using my creative abilities for design work, with a focus on 3D Arts/Animation, drawing, special effects, and photography.   



© 2022

By: Che Addison


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